Welcome to my cartoons for Parade,? The New Yorker, Barron’s, and many other venues! Most of my cartoons are NOT online, so ask if you want to see certain topics, or want to buy a cartoon you found somewhere else.
Important Note: all cartoons on this site are for personal enjoyment only, and are not to be reproduced in any way without permission. Using cartoons without permission is illegal and is subject to fines up to $150,000 plus legal fees. We pursue all legal remedies. (Fair Use does not have different laws for schools; there are 4 rules for Fair Use, and none of them would include a student or teacher using a cartoon for any reason.) No free use by educators, although schools do get a discounted price.
Paypal works!
And it doesn’t cost you a dime! Just decide where it would be most fun to use the cartoon, and fill in the Cartoon ID or date, or caption, or description.
If you want a cartoon for books, magazines, advertising, or other uses, or if you have a different? situation that?s not listed in the Paypal pull down list, email me at Donna Barstow (no spaces) at (the at symbol) gmail.com).
Get your hardcopy print here!
If you want a? hardcopy of any cartoon forpersonal enjoyment for you or a friend:
I’ll remove the copyright that is the online version, and will sign the toon if you wish. Prints are on acid-free artist paper, size 5″ wide print on 81/2″ x 11″ paper. Cost is $23, and a portion of this will be donated to a charitable animal organization.
Note below, or on the Paypal page the caption or date of the cartoon print you want. and whether you would like me to sign it. First Class shipping in a sturdy stiff envelope is free. It’s fun to get cartoons in the mail!
Publishers: Media or Business Use
If you’d like to use any of my cartoons in your newspaper,? magazine,? website,? Powerpoint, newsletter, cool book, or newsletter… just write to me below, and let me know how you want to use the cartoons, and your budget.? Rates are competitive and reasonable.