Can you really change a man?

Even, or especially, if he’s a very bad man?

But enough about me. Let's concentrate on saving the wetlands, or alternative energy sources. ?D.Barstow
But enough about me. Let's concentrate on saving the wetlands, or alternative energy sources. ?D.Barstow

Topic for Illustration Friday: modify. Well, that’s not good enough for me, so I’ve changed it to change, or in this case, rehabilitate.

I’m serious about the title: I really want to know if people change. In the myriad of self-help and relationship books I’ve read, the only answer I can recall is, yes, but glacially. As I say in my about me page, I’m an impatient driver.? So glaciers aren’t fast enough for me. But maybe that’s all there is. In any case, there isn’t a man on God’s green earth who would ever voluntarily stop talking about himself, so this prisoner is a con man, that I know.

I watched and fell in love with every Prison Break episode, even when it went on life support in the last season. And I think the character Teabag changed, so that gives me hope. I wish the writers had let him go be a damn salesman…

I wrote this cartoon when no one cared about the environment at all – except for me, it seemed. Remember when they called “those people” treehuggers? Over here, that’s me.

I think the wash turned out very well in this drawing, with the texture of the paper peeking through; nope, it’s not Photoshopped! It’s the real thing.

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