Category: <span>Tech Tips for Artists</span>

Little followup to my post yesterday of how Ipower totally failed when they were hacked (“compromised” is their word) 2 times in one week. Thinking more about it, this is terrible management. First, to have such poor security, and second, not admitting the mistake and TELLING US exactly WHAT they were doing to fix it, and most importantly, make sure it didn’t happen again. All successful businesses admit their mistakes in public, but not Ipower. (although I wish they would man up, and be a better company for it. ) :(

International Conference for the Integration o...
Image via Wikipedia

Ipower took down the Facebook note I linked to yesterday, along with all the comments!!! That one concerned the first time they were hacked, 4 days ago. Guess it was too incriminating, with their poor, very late response, their attempt to shift the blame and the cleanup over to their clients, and above all, NOT DOING ANYTHING about the problem. Again, they just told us what we should do, which they copied from the WordPress thread! (However, if you look at their Facebook Note page, you will see a link on the left under Notes which says Notes About, and my Note is right there!)

Today they issued an acknowledgment about the 2nd malware attack.

To all customers whose site has recently been compromised. We have identified the area of intrusion and are now running a script to clean up all sites that have been affected. The clean up should be complete by tomorrow morning. There is no need for anything to be done on your part.

See, here’s the thing. Those of us who got scared again on Sunday when we found it happening again already did that work for you, Ipower. All it took was the Search and Replace plugin. So, yeah, there’s nothing to be done on our part, nor was there the first time, as far as changing passwords, etc. I’m sure it’s to do with MySql, their databases. Dangerous stuff.

Tech Tips for Artists

Ipower, (Ipower on Facebook, because their other support is useless) has lost it. They just disallowed all comments on Facebook because they have another security breach, and AGAIN allowed malware in all of our sites! And this is after another attack 3 days ago!

computer landscape via Yale Digital images
computer landscape via Yale Digital images

Three days ago someone on Twitter told me I had been hacked. There was a popup on all my blogs asking for fake info. WordPress already had threads going on this, and this one has good WordPress solutions. Turns out everyone who got this malware attack uses Ipower as their host! Ipower did nothing and sent no notices in response to the popups and malware attack, instead referring us to the WordPress forums for how to fix it! They took no responsibility and THEY DIDN’T CHANGE ONE THING in Ipower. As far as I know, this was the WORST security breach Ipower has ever had, yet they did…nothing. (Except they did wipe out some blogs in their incompetence, as you’ll see on that thread.)

Tech Tips for Artists

My Gateway FPD 2185W, Gateway FPD 2185W Widescreen High-Definition – LCD 2121″, just DIED 3 months after the warranty expired. I was so shocked (literally) that I got sick.

I ordered it in 2006 at the same time as my Gateway computer. I’m a tough shopper, and love to do research and understand everything. One thing I knew I wanted was a very quiet computer – and 3 years later, this is the quietest computer I’ve ever heard, even with a 500g hard drive and 2 gig of RAM (did I say that right?) Although it gets a little noisy, when the fans start going when I use Photoshop… I’m still not sure if a better video card or more memory would help me out there.

user-friendly computer, user-hater monitor cartoon

I also wanted a widescreen super-sharp dealie monitor, and? if you got a monitor with the Gateway computer you got a good deal. The FPD 2185W was the best or 2nd best monitor at the time, and it cost $600, and $100 less with the computer so I happily chose that one.? I loved that monitor – -crisp and sharp, with never a problem. I told everyone how great it was!

But what kind of crap monitor just blows like that?! No warning, nothing at all. The reviews here at Amazon Gateway FPD 2185W Widescreen High-Definition – LCD display – TFT – 21 say it all:


As has happened to many others, my monitor went dead (blank screen / can’t turn it off) a little after the warranty expired (after a year and a half). This was a very expensive monitor and Gateway knows that this model is defective, yet they refuse to admit this or do anything about it. Also, like many others, this is definitely the last Gateway product of any type that I will ever buy. I hope others follow suit.

He’s right on that. I’m not even looking at Gateway for my next one. (Turns out Gateway is now owned by Acer anyway.)

Of course, once it breaks, you’re dead if you don’t have another monitor just lying around the house. There was no warning, just black. I couldn’t get online to even find anything out. Used a neighbor’s computer and right away found this blog on Gateway Monitors (which should have been called Gateway Monitors Suck.) Anyway, turns out it is 8 cheapie capacitors that go bad, pfft. Easy to fix, IF YOU KNOW HOW TO SOLDER. Oh, yeah, just get my solder iron out from under my drawing table here…I’m so screwed!

Tech Tips for Artists

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Tech Tips for Artists

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There was a little kersnaffle with WordPress last weekend – Lorelle describes it well there – and I always trust the very cool Lorelle- that there were some nasty hacks…

Tech Tips for Artists

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I like games. I’ll play them for a long time. But I don’t like games with no rules at all, because it’s only fun if I can learn the rules and play better. By this, my 2nd blog, it’s apparent that Google is better at games than I, and believes that too much SEO knowledge is a dangerous thing…

It took me 6 months of writing my first blog, Griffith Park, Interrupted, to realize that no matter how much I wrote, or how good (I thought) it was, or how important, Google had no interest at all. If I searched for complete sentences from my posts, I could find them when I Googled. But keywords, or just search words, nada, my posts never came up. I was so disappointed. Like most bloggers, I don’t get paid for writing, and although I had a few commenters, not that many, so watching yourself get more popular on Google is a well-deserved reward, I say!

I redesigned my whole WordPress theme, and learned a hella lot about blogs and design by doing that, but I avoided adding plug-ins. WordPress constantly warns you that your whole blog can FAIL or GO DOWN, and everything will be LOST if a plug-in goes bad. It wasn’t worth it to me. But there is one plug-in that is very important, and will change your fun in blogs, and that is the All-in-One SEO plugin. And Blogger or LiveJournal doesn’t have it! It’s our special prize!??

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Yes, that’s right, I said Google is punishing me for my transgressions, not God. Although I feel a teeny bit like Job this week: problems installing WordPress 2.7, so that this blog was down for well over a day, and attending anxiety, the theme (Template) broke, so I had to pick another one, check I was expecting from buyer did not meet expectations, and another check simply did not get here. Plus, I got locked into my apartment.

Into, not out of , because I hate being just like other people. My top lock, a deadbolt, stopped working, so the lever wouldn’t withdraw the bolt. Well, one always has windows for fresh air. However, someone would have to come rescue me, and I am a typical unorganized serial killer cartoonist, so a lot of organizing had to happen, fast, with, of course, no way to take out the trash.

Tech Tips for Artists

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