Category: <span>That’s not funny</span>

Slate cartoons That's not funny

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I’m almost beside myself with excitement over the Dancing with the Stars new season on Monday, even though the last season was such a bummer, and obviously set up for the boringest couple on TV to win, Kristie Yamaguchi and Mark Ballas. Gah, did they coach them on how to be dull? Apparently. Neither ever said a witty or original word.

wentworth pbYou know what, Producers? It’s NOT just about the dance, that’s the lesson we learned last season. Dull, dull, dull. That’s why they’re called celebrities – they’re supposed to entertain in some way.? At least I got to know Adam Carolla, however, and don’t tell me Julianne doesn’t still have a little crush on him. And Derek and Shannon Elizabeth, so cute, which you also mishandled.

Oh well, on with the next season!

Unfortunately, it conflicts with one of my other favorite shows,? Prison Break. I don’t really know what fantasy football is, but I think it might be like what Prison Break is for the ladies:? very good-looking men, with strong personalities, good educations, who are well-spoken, and with at least a couple of redeeming qualities. Oh, and the ability to work well on projects. Who just happen to have met in a very attractive prison.

Oh, give me a break, I know a lot of guys watch it, too. I hear it’s very popular overseas, too, because of the nonstop action. Which 24 has, too, of course, but the Prison Break characters also have really great…character. Emotions, too, even though they are so often restrained, in that tight, appealing macho way. Gets the women aroused…

I don't Watch TV That's not funny

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At least in the LA Times. Hello, Dilbert, my old friend. I know papers are trying to save money. The LA Times is laying off 150 more reporters this month.…

That's not funny