“Add hair of Sarah, eyerolls of McCain, wool of Obama, and Biden’s slip of the tongue…and we get a pretty tasty election!” ? D. Barstow, 2008 I hope you…
Donna Barstow Blog #2 Posts
A neighbor friend saw me outside swinging my bird cage with canary included, and asked, “And where are you two going today?!”
Busted! Most people are at REAL jobs during the day, and so I feel free to walk around the courtyard in my raggedy shorts that are too short, and goofy top. Not to mention carrying my birdcage. But she caught me, on her way to work!
Photo by Elizabeth Dilts.
But I had my reasons for taking my canary for a walk. I recently read that canaries need a lot of Vitamin D – because they have a higher need for calcium than, say, my parakeet. And even though I carry the canary to my sunniest window every day, you can’t get that vitamin through glass. It’s also good exercise for their legs and feet and wings, to keep their balance in a swinging cage. So I’ve been taking him on walks.
I’m not the only one. Several years ago I had read in Bird Talk about canary owners in the Far East taking their birds for a walk, and meeting in a park, and this colorful idea had stuck in my mind. They must really love their birds!
“You’re not a fixer-upper, are you? I’m looking for someone in move-in condition.”
For Illustration Friday, subject : Fix.
Is this not so perfect for the New Yorker? Very wordy, just like they like ’em! Also, to the point, and the reference of move-in condition, ie, NY real estate. Plus party. Plus nice house. Plus back east, with fireplace. Lots of pluses. Yet, it never appeared in there!
And coincidentally enough, this is my own attitude with men right now! Let them fix themselves!? This is not to demean men in any way. Of course, not all men need to be fixed up in any way at all. But please, God, let me meet those men. Then I can fully enjoy them, and draw them.
Hmm, maybe not. I’ve recently been accused of not being a hipster, so I’m a little sensitive these days.
I don’t usually read Doonesbury, by Garry Trudeau. I do like it, think it’s extremely clever, but I regularly read only a handful of comics. (list to be divulged at another time.) But for some reason, I looked over and took a look at a story arc starting October 17.
One of his characters, Rick Redfern, the journalist, about 50 years old or so, I guess, just started a blog. He’s excited because somebody finally linked to him. (I wanted to get permission from uclick to reprint it, and it took a couple of days to get an answer – No. Unless I want to cough up $50. From a BLOGGER? You gotta be kidding.) So here’s a link.
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“What’s a 5-letter word for a woman who’s both a barracuda and a pitbull?” I don’t know, tell me. I don’t do crossword puzzles, I do Soduku. (Actually, my favorites…
For Illustration Friday, of course! Guess what the topic is. LATE. As I always complain I am. Fortunately, the pleasant people at IF never complain. I hardly ever do single/dating…
You may have noticed that I didn’t have a blogroll that included other cartoonists. Until now.
Richard’s first book, Cul de Sac.
However I noticed a long time ago that blogs who have the courage and selfconfidence to link to others, grow fat and plump. One of the early blogs I went to, Manolo’s Shoe Blog, is so distinctive and funny! This is how all good blogs should read. Anyway, his (her?) policy is if someone links to him, he links back (in a rotating list, since he is SO BIG now.)
I probably visit LA Observed more than any other blog, and he had a huge blogroll, and he is bigger than most LA Times blogs. Even a small website like mine benefited from that link! I thought of LA Observed as a blogger giving back to the readers! (unfortunately, he hasn’t had a blogroll for over a year now, but I’m sure he’ll get it back when his self-esteem improves.)
Believe it or not, there are many other cartoonists out there who have blogs, too. Yes, I’m competitive. /hangs head in shame. But let’s look at the original definition of compete:
Late Latin- competere to seek together, to come together, agree, be suitable, to strive together, to coincide -from com- + petere to go to, seek.
So, in the spirit of coming together, striving together, and plain ol’ good self-esteem, my blogroll begins! I’ll be reviewing other blogs and cartoonists from time to time, but I pick Richard Thompson to start off with.
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