Time for a new cartoon! Actually, although the color is new, this is quite? old – one of the first cartoons I ever did, and part of a series I did with coffins. I was surprised, death is a fairly common topic with cartoonists – I heard Bob Mankoff, cartoon editor of the New Yorker, say that he gets a fair number of dead cartoons each week.

Don’t get me wrong – I hate this song. I don’t like songs in my head, or humming the same one for days. I can’t remember who sang this…Neil Diamond? Someone will know. And it rains a lot where I come from.
This cartoon is for Illustration Friday‘s topic, unbalanced.? Nothing like a coffin cartoon to prove I’m that! This is from my morbid collection, which I only bring out to show special guests. And you.
Just in case someone didn’t get it – and I’m not judging here, but the more I read forums, the more I realize how many people don’t understand humor in any form – the head also refers to the headstone.
As my gift to you, now you, too, will have this song stuck in your head.
PS. Here’s another cartoon about a song stuck in your head, in my other blog, The Opposite of Wrong. This time it’s Obama!
Yes, this could be quite hellish to have this song playing for eternity, but I love the dark humor! : )
Thanks, michele! I always try to think on the bright side.
i got the “headstone humor”..does that make me morbid? :D
Do you want to be? Yes, probably, but that’s a good thing.