Tag: <span>bachelorette</span>

I don't Watch TV

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I have my sources. But it occurs to me that maybe others don’t, and they don’t know where to go to get the great gossip and stories.

I’m not on this journey alone. My first stop for all TV shows is Television Without Pity. I can’t believe everyone doesn’t know about and read this, but I ran into George Pennachio, Entertainment reporter for ABC here, (who doesn’t seem gay in person…) at an LA Press Club event and he had never read TWOP! Weird!? Everything is moderated on this board, so it’s mostly spelled, makes logical sense, and is written by intelligent, thoughtful viewers. Barnes is the mod now, and I think she’s the worst mod on TWOP, but c’est la vie. Mods are the reason I never write in those forums. I only read, and I read A LOT.

Next is Fans of Reality TV, or FORT as most call it. These writers have big colorful gravatars that they change frequently with favorite screen shots and contestant bio pics. They don’t write too good. Sometimes it’s a complete sentence. I think they’re mostly housewives, because they have a LOT of time on their hands to sleuth and analyze screen shots to figure out the winner, and find the Facebook and MySpace pages from first name only contestants on the shows. ? They are kind of naive, but an enthusiastic bunch, and I like to read when they write live while the show is on. (TWOP doesn’t allow this.) Downside: the servers crash towards the end of each Bachelorette season, so they close the board on show nights, if you’re not a member.

Way, way down, is the scary boards, the ABC forum. I just assume people? who go here haven’t found the other 2 boards! Most of these people are out of their minds, and dumb as rocks. That’s a dangerous combo. Half of them make up outrageous rumors, and the other half believe every word of them. Spoilers abound.

I don't Watch TV

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The two most important people in a Bachelorette season are the main player – the Bachelor or the Bachelorette- and the editor. The player, the star, can’t be faked by the editing: he or she has to be attractive, compelling, and real. The editing is not real at all. Tell me a bedtime story…

Now Org woman interested in love story
The Bachelorette cartoon - Woman at NOW Org: "Hi, my name is Deb, and I watch The Bachelorette." ?D.Barstow

Jillian is by far my favorite Bachelorette yet, and I like so many of the men on her season, too! You know why? They’re smart. (well, some of the men. After the Men Tell All, we know that some are just dicks.) Jillian cannot only talk without a teleprompter, she’s witty and candid and sincere. Every time she cries, I start to, too. That’s real emotion welling up in her eyes, and her whole face swells with shock or sadness when the men (producers) let her down. She’s not naive, but she is trusting. She’s humble enough to reveal her fear that if one guy left (for his job) other guys might do the same, and leave her, as well. Yet she has an inborn cheerfulness that starts each day with high hopes!

She’s a little bit lusty, she eats and drinks (it may be the first time ever that we have seen the star of the show eating), but she does everything with polish and dignity. I love her accent and her squeaky voice, and even her squees when she meets the guys.

I don't Watch TV