I’ve been wondering for a while, if birds cry. My parakeet almost moans when he’s afraid, or gives a little shriek, but what about sadness? Google being what it is,…
Tag: <span>canary</span>
I had to point out this disgusting article about birdfighting involving canaries and finches. From the Daily Record: Police arrested 19 people from Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey and seized…
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The two most important people in a Bachelorette season are the main player – the Bachelor or the Bachelorette- and the editor. The player, the star, can’t be faked by the editing: he or she has to be attractive, compelling, and real. The editing is not real at all. Tell me a bedtime story…

Jillian is by far my favorite Bachelorette yet, and I like so many of the men on her season, too! You know why? They’re smart. (well, some of the men. After the Men Tell All, we know that some are just dicks.) Jillian cannot only talk without a teleprompter, she’s witty and candid and sincere. Every time she cries, I start to, too. That’s real emotion welling up in her eyes, and her whole face swells with shock or sadness when the men (producers) let her down. She’s not naive, but she is trusting. She’s humble enough to reveal her fear that if one guy left (for his job) other guys might do the same, and leave her, as well. Yet she has an inborn cheerfulness that starts each day with high hopes!
She’s a little bit lusty, she eats and drinks (it may be the first time ever that we have seen the star of the show eating), but she does everything with polish and dignity. I love her accent and her squeaky voice, and even her squees when she meets the guys.
A neighbor friend saw me outside swinging my bird cage with canary included, and asked, “And where are you two going today?!”
Busted! Most people are at REAL jobs during the day, and so I feel free to walk around the courtyard in my raggedy shorts that are too short, and goofy top. Not to mention carrying my birdcage. But she caught me, on her way to work!
Photo by Elizabeth Dilts.
But I had my reasons for taking my canary for a walk. I recently read that canaries need a lot of Vitamin D – because they have a higher need for calcium than, say, my parakeet. And even though I carry the canary to my sunniest window every day, you can’t get that vitamin through glass. It’s also good exercise for their legs and feet and wings, to keep their balance in a swinging cage. So I’ve been taking him on walks.
I’m not the only one. Several years ago I had read in Bird Talk about canary owners in the Far East taking their birds for a walk, and meeting in a park, and this colorful idea had stuck in my mind. They must really love their birds!
My parakeet.
He dreads bedtime. He crouches forward, all narrow-eyed, or jumps around, looking for a way out when there isn’t one. A Lisa Shea says:
Parakeets need to sleep 10-12 hours every day. The vast majority of this is done at night. The cave should be covered with a cloth so it is dark and they feel safe. In nature, parakeets nest in hollows they gnaw out of Eucalyptus trees. You want your cage to sort of resemble that closed-in hollow so they feel safe and protected when they sleep.
Parakeet doesn’t mind the flash, though.
That’s what I had read many times, too, but my bird thinks I’m sealing him into a coffin every night. I do cover the cage partly, but one WHOLE side is left open for him. Okay, I turn out the lights, too. Am I so bad?
Here’s a pic of a nesting box from Petco. See what they’re supposed to enjoy? A nice cozy dark hole. Not this bird.
I put my canary to bed a few hours earlier than the parakeet. A canary needs his beauty sleep, like outdoor birds, which is quite a lot of hours sleeping. I’ve had canaries in the past who don’t like to be covered, and they open their big pink mouths wide, as if to hiss. (Which is a little scary, even without teeth.)
I cut this out of the LA Times Magazine in 2006, as you can see. I was going to call Macy’s Department Store to compliment them on their guts and creativity, but instead I’ll write it here. I could not believe the ad agency was cool enough to be so uncool!!! Yay, Macy’s!
Canaries are such an old-fashioned bird – I think of them as Victorian, although they’ve been in cages for hundreds of years. (I thought it was about 300 or 400 years, but Animal World says it’s since 1478!) The first canary I remember loving was Pip, Amy’s bird in Little Women. I always wanted a canary since I was little, so I got one for Christmas when I was 7. My grandmother told me they always had a canary in her own family growing up…and, no, they weren’t coal miners.
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My canary has a good relationship with the sun. My parakeet likes me, but he’s disappointed; I’m just not that smart. WHY won’t I do what he wants me to??…
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