Time for a new cartoon! Actually, although the color is new, this is quite? old – one of the first cartoons I ever did, and part of a series I did with coffins. I was surprised, death is a fairly common topic with cartoonists – I heard Bob Mankoff, cartoon editor of the New Yorker, say that he gets a fair number of dead cartoons each week.
Raindrops keep falling on my head...coming from a coffin under a tombstone
Don’t get me wrong – I hate this song. I don’t like songs in my head, or humming the same one for days. I can’t remember who sang this…Neil Diamond? Someone will know. And it rains a lot where I come from.
This cartoon is for Illustration Friday‘s topic, unbalanced.? Nothing like a coffin cartoon to prove I’m that! This is from my morbid collection, which I only bring out to show special guests. And you.
My first Wordless Wednesday. Taking the cue from a bird blogger I admire: Bev. So if I get the self-control I hope for, there won’t be any words next time.
Not that I’m in the least bit misogynistic. People who know me know I love men, in all guises. But the stronger the better, of course. ;)
This is part of my Morbid series. It’s not that I like jellyfish, which he’d be without the skeleton, but I’m fascinated by skeletons. Once I read a science fiction story that I’ve never forgotten, about the bones inside a man who wanted to come out. They felt the flesh was the enemy, hiding them, hindering them. They knew they were the strength of the man, the real power, and they wanted to be seen. And in the end, they do, don’t they. Now you want to read it, huh?! If only I could remember the author…
One of the first things I studied trying to be a cartoonist was the body form. I’ve taken a few figure drawing classes ever since college, and really should take one every year. To think that you know the body – when every body is different – is a little presumptuous. I’ve heard Sergio Aragones say many times that every time he draws something he studies its form again as if it’s new, so he’ll have a fresh take on it.
Anyway, this was before the internet, so I had to learn skeletons from books. For a while I wanted to do a strip with them! They are pretty powerful, after all, and I didn’t need that scifi story to tell me that.
Hmm. I just noticed that the topic for Illustration Friday this week is “clutter”. And here I thought the topic was “FLUTTER”. Being a bird person, and all. Well, there…
Warning!!! A word is in this cartoon that may offend you. I wrote it for men’s magazines. I apologize in advance. (It’s not that bad a word, but it’s a…
I just changed this cartoon to a thumbnail because I found 2 sites that have stolen the cartoon recently. This means I have to send takedown DMCA notices to their servers. Be very afraid: I pursue all use of my cartoons unless you have my express permission.
The Idea
This is from my Morbid & Sex file. (Yes, what does it say about me that I think these subjects are connected…and that this is my favorite file?) They’re not always easy to sell. But so necessary to do.
This seems like an obvious idea: diets are a life or death issue for women, and there is always the big question: which one is most effective to lose weight?? And there’s that whole annoying mystery about it, as doctors continually change their minds on what and why or why not something will help with weight loss.
I myself like exercising better, because I just hate denying myself food to eat. I tried not to make the exercise guy show my bias, but I do have a weakness for blonds…and notice that he is a smidgen taller than the other guy!
I like the power a gun could give me. I guess I like guns. I’ve only held one once, when I dated an ex-Mafia guy; it felt and smelled like an expensive, non-digital, high-end Nikon. Yum.
The Drawing
I think weight loss is more of a woman’s obsession, but you can’t have two women shooting at each other. Maybe in vid games, or Latino gang fights, but not in cartoons. So these two fellows volunteered to be my characters.
I decided against a watching crowd, even though most duels seem to have them. I don’t always succeed, but I like fewer lines: clear, balanced, and in your face. Note that the men are moving in opposite directions to the cocked, deadly black guns. This shootout will not be pretty.