I’ve never used a gag writer. I write and draw all my cartoons, for better or worse.? But I’m writing an article about cartoonists that mentions gag writers. If you…
Tag: <span>new yorker cartoons</span>
For Illustration Friday, subject is: double. Which is what you’ll become if you eat too many of these. My friend Candy (her real name) says the reason ice cream sundaes…
This is a typical New Yorker cartoon about Hollywood. Not that this is really Hollywood, of course, but it’s what NEW YORK thinks Hollywood is. You got your palm trees,…
Oops, did I spoil the cartoon? For Illustration Friday: propagate is the challenge. And chickens do that.
This is an easy idea to tinker with, if you’re good with words. The ending to Which came first, could be anything, and I think I’ve come up with half a dozen gags over the years. But politics has been a big part of my life this last year, working for Slate, so these hens have that on their mind, too.
I’ve been thinking recently about New Yorker cartoons vs Editorial cartoons – which I’m spending most of my time doing? now. New Yorker cartoons are easy, so easy that anyone can do it, and they can and do, with the little caption contests. I haven’t looked at the contests in years, but there are many clever entries, I’m sure.
“But I can’t draw,” they sigh. That’s what she said.
That’s what I said. I wanted to write them, not draw them, but I sent ideas to a couple of New Yorker guys, they said they didn’t buy gags, and I gave up on just writing right away. I’d have to learn to draw. Sigh.
“You’re not a fixer-upper, are you? I’m looking for someone in move-in condition.”
For Illustration Friday, subject : Fix.
Is this not so perfect for the New Yorker? Very wordy, just like they like ’em! Also, to the point, and the reference of move-in condition, ie, NY real estate. Plus party. Plus nice house. Plus back east, with fireplace. Lots of pluses. Yet, it never appeared in there!
And coincidentally enough, this is my own attitude with men right now! Let them fix themselves!? This is not to demean men in any way. Of course, not all men need to be fixed up in any way at all. But please, God, let me meet those men. Then I can fully enjoy them, and draw them.