When people read magazines

they RENEWED them. Or they used to. When they read them hardcopy.


I drew this in my minimal phase. One of my favorite cartoonists in the New Yorker was Ross. Herbert Ross? Don’t know, he only signed his last name. When Bob Mankoff became editor, this guy was kicked out. (Tell me, has the New Yorker gotten better or worse the last 15 years? There you go.)

Anyway, this is for Illustration Friday, subject Renewal. Forget spring, rebirth, all that hokey – lets? be practical, and think about renewing magazines, newspapers, and friendships.

Cartoon caption: Hello, Customer Service? Longtime subscriber, first time caller!

I barely get this cartoon myself, so I’m sure readers need an explanation. :) I’m a big fan of talk radio, and I can’t tell you how often call-ins to a show say, “Longtime listener, first time caller!”

That didn’t get too old, did it. Anyway, I switched it to magazines.? Eh.


  1. Jerry Fisher said:

    I totally got that…and liked it…even before the explanation.

    January 15, 2010

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