Wise old owl cartoon.

loan officer considers wise old owl as collateralWhoa, I haven’t submitted anything to Illustration Friday for a while and they have a whole new hot new look! Lots more artists featured, kicky graphics. Nice.

Topic today: Talent. That reminds me of the talents Jesus said not to bury. Also, our good qualities, like how smart this owl is – even though he might not be that good with money, or asking for it.? Originally published in my Psychology Today cartoon blog.


  1. Arti Singh said:

    i cannot understand the meaning why the owl is seated in the chair .

    March 31, 2013
    • Sorry! The owl is asking for a Loan from the Bank loan officer. Before you get a loan, they ask you lots of personal questions, like what property you own, your job, house, etc. All the owl has is his wiseness…

      April 3, 2013

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