Chocolate for Octomom.

Halloween cartoon I did for Double X (which is the girly side of Slate.)


For Double X I do some cartoons that are current events and political, but also pop culture. Even fem, on occasion!

I think Octomom would fall in the category of pop, or pup culture. Boy, did she wring the public on that one. At first I was angry with how selfish, self-centered, and sick she was – and it still really pisses me off that she is on the dole and leaching off of LA and the state. But now I do understand how mentally ill she really is.

At least her doctor is taking some responsibility for his recklessness, although I feel bad for anyone losing their job now. From PuffPost:

Dr. Michael Kamrava was kicked out of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine last month, group spokesman Sean Tipton said Monday.

Tipton said Kamrava has repeatedly violated the group’s standards. He declined to provide details but said Kamrava was not expelled because of his work with any single patient.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

But you know what’s worse, Octomom? You’re boring. So take that, and on your way out, go get sterilized.

The cartoon caption: “I was going to go as Octomom, but I didn’t think it was fair to bring that many candy bars into the house…”

I’m not exactly sure what this means, but I assume 14 illegitimate children, each with his or her cute little pumpkin bucket, could score a lot of chocolate.

Gosh, the man looks ticked off, doesn’t he? Methinks he wanted some of that grub.

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