I don’t think so.

Didn’t like any of the songs in Audition, and turned the sound down. Thought the new blond, quasi-Derek Hough was okay. The Filipino girl was kind of cute but didn’t like her voice. Quinn is one of my faves and she had only one line, if that, and no close ups.
The new football coach is the biggest fugly lesbo I’ve ever seen in any show, anywhere. Just an awful actress But will she get together with Jane Lynch, who outed herself this year as gay? Who knows. Typical Ryan Murphy, telling himself he’s pushing boundaries, by pushing his agenda in the face of straight people. (and picking unattractive people to prove he’s…not ugly?)
Let’s keep score on the gay list so far on the show:
Chris Colfer, Kurt, in real life and on the show. He outs himself to his father every other episode, so we’ll probably have another outing next week.
Jane Lynch, gay only in real life. I was disappointed to find this out about her, as it was so much more unusual to have a dowdy straight woman character who had given up on men.
Principal Figgins (Igbal Theba) only in real life. Outed himself years ago.
Not gay:
Matthew Morrison, (thank God), according to ELLE. I read an interview with him in the LA Times and he was ambiguous, however.
Jessalyn Gilsig (Terri Schuester), who I also really like. There was an interview with her in the LA Times, too, in a section called My Favorite Weekend.? As usual in the Times site, navigation sucks, so you can’t find it now. It’s one of my favorite features, about how celebrities spend their weekend. Anyway, she talked about her family, and about a coffee shop/restaurant, 5 minutes from me that she liked, and which uses, according to her, sterling silver flatware! Let me assure you – NOT true! But that was a true Terri comment, was it not?
Jayma Mays ( Emma) who’s married. No Emma in this episode. :(
This episode didn’t have either Terri or Emma, so I’ve already forgotten what happened in it, but the main point is, did Lea Michele have plastic surgery? She looked shockingly different to me- like 5 years older -, and I don’t think it was just the horrible bangs. I happened to meet the makeup artist for Glee, so this is the first thing I’ll ask her next time I see her.
Why is the writing on this show so terribly uneven? Could it be that one Mr. Murphy is trying to politicize what is basically a great show? I didn’t see the second half of last season, as they positioned it opposite Lost, and I had to watch Lost.? So I saw 2 old episodes from the first season last week.
The first was Journey, the season finale which I loved, which again had me in tears the whole way. On the same night, the other episode? sucked big time, awful stuff, Theatricality. Finn has to move in with Kurt and his dad, since his mom sold their house, and then is KICKED OUT of the house because he has to share a room with gay Kurt, and calls him faggy. Yes, because if you have an argument with your roommate, you should lose your home.
STFU with your life lessons, Ryan Murphy, and btw, you’re so so gay.
Ooh, have to quote the Sarcaster on Television without Pity:
Things that bugged me:
1) Rachel is now an insecure psycopath? What alternate earth is this from what we saw last season?
2) Santana has a boob job? WTF? Really?
3) Brittany claiming SH against coach Beiste fell completely flat and wayyyy over the top. Lame!
4) Sunshine Corazon – unnecessary casting and the defection immediately VA was pathetic.
5) The whole “Artie tries out for football” thing was a complete fail and possibly the lamest reason ever to use as reason for getting Finn kicked off the Football team
6) Worse yet, Finn trying out for the Cheerios was yet another uber-fail. Finn was supposed to be above all that.
7) I am glad they could fit a little bit of Glee inbetween all those commercials. It was like: 1:3 ratio of Glee to commercials. Thanks for selling out completely RM!
The dialogue in this episode that I hated most, from Kurt, the outing-est outer that ever did out himself:
“I’m proud to be different. It’s the best thing about me.”
Really? That’s the best thing about you, that you’re gay? Where does that leave us straight people? Not so good, I guess. Also, I’m thinking you’re not such a good singer, if your real talent is “being gay.”
Signing off from this blogger,? who? is proud to be just one more straight girl in the crowd. It’s the best thing about me.
There is a lot to criticize “Glee” for without resorting to homophobic rants.
“Chris”, and I’m guessing you named yourself after Chris Colfer, did you just want to call me names, or did you have a point?
I agree with Chris; and I don’t see where he called you any names. The adjective “homophobic” referred to your rant.
I will, however, apply a pejorative to you: bigot.
And, as well, you are without a doubt one of the most incompetent cartoonists I have ever seen published. It’s baffling why your clumsy graphics and hackneyed captions have been featured anywhere. I saw some of your work while looking at political cartoons on “Slate”, and I was so appalled by the poor level of quality of your work that I just had to look you up and see more. Surely, I thought, it can’t all be this bad. But it is. And your blog is equally as devoid of any evidence of intelligent thought.
Sierraseven, I need more fans like you! Hating my work, but following me everywhere…cool beans.
Apparently the fact that I even talk about gays has gotten you guys in a tailspin. I don’t out people, like the disgusting Perez, I just call a gay a gay.
I can’t find your comics on gocomics. Am I doing something wrong?
Sorry, Berkshire, I just saw your comment now. They kicked me out of Gocomics, which I will talk more about later.
But let me ask you: ARE you doing something wrong?
Please bring back Charice. Can’t get the point of showing her, then making the audience get an amnesia through her long absence.
I thought she was so much cuter last year. What did she do different this year?
I haven’t decided if she can act, though.
Wow that was strange. I just wrote an incredibly long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyways, just wanted to say great blog!
So wait, why do you have a problem with gays?