Tag: <span>prison break</span>

Remember Monday nights? I wrote this in Season Three. Couldn’t get my mind off all the prisoners who died in Prison Break! (Did you know that one of my birds has a name that’s mentioned in PB? But I shan’t tell you which one!)

michael, prison break

Prison Break was an outstanding show from Fox. But I think they underestimated the Bromance and the relationships and the cool sense of place, whether it was in prison or out, and overestimated the weird Company mystery part. Spoiler ahead: I think this Prison Break is running right now in Europe, so I don’t want to give too much away, but in the last season, even more special people die, not listed below. Too many people I loved died:??

I don't Watch TV

Prison Break had a very intense episode this week.? The title,”Greatness Achieved” apparently refers to my favorite character, Brad Bellick.? Formerly a very scary, mean prison guard in Fox River, who delighted in throwing together newbies and hardcore homos, some viewers hated him because he MAY have killed a cat belonging to one of the inmates. I am pretty sure that was never proved.

Wade Williams as Capt. Brad Bellick. RIP. Photo from Wentworth Miller Fansite.

But because the super writers of Prison Break knew what a gem they had in the actor, Wade Williams, they found ways to keep him around in all the next seasons! Bellick was fired from the prison after the boys escaped, and he became a freelance bounty hunter chasing them. His team up with Geary was brilliant, and so funny! Then he got thrown in the Panama prison, Sona, along with everyone else. When we saw him there at the end of Season 3, he was on the floor, beat up and filthy, with only a diaper as clothing. Obviously he had been raped. The boss of them to the lowest of them. That’s drama!

I don't Watch TV That's not funny

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