For Illustration Friday. I thought this was my second cartoon on makeup in here, but it’s my first. (My cartoon on hair is here. ) Subject in Illustration Friday is…
Tag: <span>women cartoons</span>
A hair job? Like a nose job or boob job, but not as permanent. Topic for Illustration Friday: artificial. You know, like dying gray hair is artificial. Btw, the TWOP…
Thin people look younger. Take heed, Los Angeles.

Topic for Illustration Friday: skinny.
This is also Wordless Wednesday, but forget that idea right now. I will never be wordless. Back when people designed stationary I designed some for editors that said at the bottom, …because pictures speak louder with words. A cartoon is not an illustration, and vice versa!
In a good cartoon, the words and pic work together, and one without the other isn’t so funny. If the gag doesn’t work, it’s just stupid. But if it’s a good gag, you need to up your drawing to keep pace with it, and make it even better. There’s a background, a time and place and future in a good cartoon. It’s your stage, so use it wisely.
I did this cartoon for my 2nd book, Love Me or Go To Hell: True Love Cartoons. One of my great cartoon contributors, Stephanie Piro, had thought up the first part of the title a few years ago, and offered it for this project. I added the 2nd part, to make sure readers knew it was a book about loving men, not hating them!??
Avia gold running shoes and a perky Clementine. Mervyn’s is going out of business. That makes me very very sad. I bought my underwear, jammies, workout wear, and most sneakers…
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“Happiness is getting my paycheck and finding a clearance sale on the same day.” © D. Barstow For Illustration Friday, topic: Similar. Isn’t there some kind of milk called Similac?…
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“ANOTHER FREUDIAN SLIP: “I want to make wild, passionate, chocolate chip cookies with you.”
Well, the wine glasses are empty, and this may explain her behavior. But really, isn’t it fun to be the aggressor?! ;)
The subject for Illustration Friday this week is Balloon. So here you go, the speaking balloon all cartoonists know all too well. And a colorful cartoon that I just remembered I did last month for a little interview I did for Psychology Today. No, not as a patient, silly – though they may have missed the boat on that call – but as a creative person. (That’s what my most recent contract calls me: Creator. What happened to A**hat?)?
“You’re not a fixer-upper, are you? I’m looking for someone in move-in condition.”
For Illustration Friday, subject : Fix.
Is this not so perfect for the New Yorker? Very wordy, just like they like ’em! Also, to the point, and the reference of move-in condition, ie, NY real estate. Plus party. Plus nice house. Plus back east, with fireplace. Lots of pluses. Yet, it never appeared in there!
And coincidentally enough, this is my own attitude with men right now! Let them fix themselves!? This is not to demean men in any way. Of course, not all men need to be fixed up in any way at all. But please, God, let me meet those men. Then I can fully enjoy them, and draw them.
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