Category: <span>I don’t Watch TV</span>

The Bachelor and Bachelorette forums on Television Without Pity (TWOP) should be fun. Right? The show is a ridiculous idea, dramatically staged, and at least recently, nice eye candy staged in various pretty countries. The mainly women audience  in TWOP often talks about their own stories of  durm and strang in the dating trenches. Real life on a forum about reality. Fun!

Or, it would be, if it wasn’t being constantly chided and squashed and slashed by the worst, most overcontrolling mod on TWoP, Barnes. What a witch, and I’m so tempted to use the b word.

bachelorette ali on jimmy kimmel
bachelorette ali on jimmy kimmel

I don't Watch TV

That is one of the most popular names on Television Without Pity (TWOP). The other one is bitchface, most often used to describe dancers (only women, of course) on DWTS who don’t smile enough. Pageant like. Because a beautiful woman who doesn’t smile is…dangerous? I’ve never figured that out.

But I think last night was the first time I heard a reality star use it herself on TV, when Vienna called Jake a famewhore in the first 2 minutes on the Bachelorette. (Note to Mike Fleiss: I don’t like ambiguity in the start times of MY tv. Make the show an hour or a half, but don’t split it at 40 minutes or whatever. It doesn’t become you.)

vienna and jake before, from People Mag
vienna and jake before, from People Mag

Apparently, I’m the only one in the civilized reality TV watching world that thinks Vienna is trash. I liked her on Jake’s show, and I liked her with Jake, although I didn’t like Jake. I was interested that they poked him to be on Dancing with the Stars, though, and I found myself rooting for him there! I thought he’d be a big fat instant Fail, because he’s not much of a body/toucher/mover boy, but he has instinctive rhythm and grace, tried really hard, and was actually much better than many of the other amateurs.? I was really disappointed when he was voted out.

Also: unlike most of the TWOPers, I thought Chelsea was the douche as her dancing partner. Wow, totally lost respect for her (and for Tony, with Kate Gosselin.) They are supposed to be supportive pro teachers, figuring out how to bring out the best from their partners. If you can’t teach, leave, and just perform in the pro dances. I mean, wth, don’t start fights with your partner in that arrogant way.

Anyway, was sad to hear Jake and Vienna split, but SHOCKED to hear she actually sold the details of her sex life to a tabloid!!! Okay, you can drop the “fame” part of that word, now. Wow, how low-class can you get.

Again, no one on TWOP agrees with me, so thank goodness I have my little blog! :)

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I have to say a few words about this season’s Bachelor, starring Jake (the pilot, not Body By Jake, who is a famous personal trainer here in LA. Maybe all over, I don’t know.)

alg_jake_pavelka_bachelorFirst of all, he is so not my type. He should be, blond and blue-eyed, fit, with a nice balanced body, okay hair. I mean, look at my 3-year long and counting crush on Derek Hough, right? But Jake, no. It’s all I can do to muster up even finding a photo of Jake to post here…

He was boring on my Jillian’s show, and looks to carry on his legacy on this one. I really don’t mind his putting God first. I do, too. But it’s no sense of humor, no interests besides flying, riding his stupid motorcycle and doing dangerous stunts, and a kind of judgmental attitude he seems to have. But prove me wrong, Jake, I don’t mind.

The 25 women tonight are all jumbled in my head, like a bowl of hard candies in wrappers.

I don't Watch TV

Well…this is one of the few good new shows this season, so Glee is on my must-watch list. But tonight proves what a schizophrenic show it is; it’s trying to drag in both adults and, well, all the rest of you.

glee_sexy willThey alternate between grown-up situations, like adultery (or thinking about it, as Jimmy Carter would say), compromise in ethics or one’s goals, and life -changing decisions, and for the kiddies, after school specials, problems like who gets the solo, what is “really cool”, and how to come out to your father over and over and over. (Kurt is a great singer, bad actor. Everything he says is camp, flaming, and not believable. Especially when he tries to do the loving, fashion-whore son.)

Will is the main character. He’s the teacher of Glee Club. I like that he has flaws, is not socially adept at reading people, or at least women (his wife’s non-pregnancy), and his pig-headedness. Yet many viewers complain that they wish the show would drop all the teachers. Someone show them the way towards the CW.

Also, it’s so so so gay. Not to mention politically correct. Yeah, I know, some of it’s on purpose. It’s the major part that is so tedious and repetitive.

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Disappointing, but expected to see Aaron leave. Boy, I got tears in my eyes when Len gave him that special tribute at the end, and said he was like a son! He didn’t have to do that. Someone commented that they’re not watching DWTS to see therapy, but I am!

He learned how to control himself, and that will take him far in life. And I thought Karina was about as good a teacher as I’ve ever seen her. Very focused on him.

aaron carter karina dancingMeanwhile, bratty Kelly jumps for joy when he goes and she stays. Sure, she came up to hug him after – learned that in reality TV, did ya? Whatever. I can’t see her appeal at all. I guess I should just be happy I don’t crazy hate her, like Marie, or Chloris (the show killed her, folks, not me) or the worst ringer ever, Kristi the automaton.

Aside from results, a pretty good show! Liked the singers. I was looking forward to seeing Susan Boyle. Not stupendous, but very good. I loved her dignity, and her tiny little waves, like the Queen does! And I usually don’t like many dancers besides our own, but the couple on Michael Buble’s last dance was so good! I was taken with the yellow and black costumes, but it wasn’t just that – they really stood out.

Other dancing: Tony and Chelsie not as good as with Julianne. Also, those were some weird gymnastics she was doing. Not very dancy. And the Macy’s dance…first of all, my heart sank when I realized Mark Ballas was going to dance with Sabrina. Oh, that’s funny, NOT. How can I even pay attention when I know these 2 are exes??? What idiots to vote for them both. Plus…I don’t want to dis Derek’s best friend, but I can’t stand Mark B. Watching him in the group dance last night, he just always looks like he’s showing off himself, not his partner.

Which is also why I preferred Jonathan to Maks tonight. Maks is handsome, but the look on Jonathan’s face is so loving, and his movements so caring, I just want to be there!

I don't Watch TV

Geez, I really hate Carrie Anne Inaba now. I’m just so fed up with her screeching, like those harridans on So You Think you Can Dance – major reason why I stopped watching that- and her nitpicking. How does saying “you missed a turn”, or her tired old “was that a lift?” actually HELP the dancers?? It ruins the experience and sure doesn’t make anyone feel better or improve their dancing. Other comments she makes, like watch your arms, ARE helpful. Doesn’t she see the difference?

And I can’t stand the way she points out the error: ” Sorry, I can’t help it, I saw it,” with this little wince, like please forgive me, and I’m really a great girl. No, you’re not, and you’re too anal, so shut up. I do believe the judging results are fixed, especially near the end, but unfortunately, the personalities are real.

derek-hough-joanna-krupa-grove-date-07-684x1024Anyway, I think this is the weakest season of DWTS ever, but I’m still watching, because Derek Hough is still there. I’ve come to the conclusion that he is probably a once in a lifetime dancer – in the genius category. He should be winning awards in the Arts, because that’s how we are supposed to honor the best in the field. Sure, it does help that he is very very goodlooking, but I think Tony is very handsome, and Alec might be the most beautiful, yet Derek glows. (Tony is the sexiest dancer, and Alec is sexy with certain partners – not Edyta! – but Derek has chemistry with more partners, and can also solo like nobody’s business.) I hope I get to see him dance in person sometime!

Below are some tasty comments from the fascinating Television Without Pity forums on DWTS.

Derek, for all of his annoying-at-times quirks, is an awesome choreographer. I can’t deny that. Anyone else would have screwed that paso up, but it was easily my favorite dance of the night.

Derek, he likes to do the best he can, so, as is happening this season, he will drag his partner to the end even if she becomes like Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep at the end of Death Becomes Her.

Hee hee!

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Remember Monday nights? I wrote this in Season Three. Couldn’t get my mind off all the prisoners who died in Prison Break! (Did you know that one of my birds has a name that’s mentioned in PB? But I shan’t tell you which one!)

michael, prison break

Prison Break was an outstanding show from Fox. But I think they underestimated the Bromance and the relationships and the cool sense of place, whether it was in prison or out, and overestimated the weird Company mystery part. Spoiler ahead: I think this Prison Break is running right now in Europe, so I don’t want to give too much away, but in the last season, even more special people die, not listed below. Too many people I loved died:??

I don't Watch TV