For Illustration Friday: DESSERT!!!!! And I love Fridays, too! Dessert sounds swell. I am embarrassed to confess that I’ve started a new blog – I bought the name a while…
Tag: <span>chocolate</span>
Don’t lies involve prevarication, entanglements, and just plain trouble? Especially when you lie about the food! Fortunately for this excellent waiter (who reminds me somewhat of the excellent and rather…
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Halloween cartoon I did for Double X (which is the girly side of Slate.) For Double X I do some cartoons that are current events and political, but also pop…
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For Illustration Friday, the subject was: “sugary.” I’ve always hated to follow directions, and the sound of this word sets my teeth on end, anyway. I’ve never liked powdered sugar on baked goods. But I do like jimmies! Out here they call them sprinkles. I prefer all chocolate.

I found a whole forum on jimmies, here.
Someone at school told me that jimmies is actually a ra-cial slur related to the Jim Crow laws (‘course, she was from Jersey)…anyone else heard this?
I hope not! I never heard that before. More comments ideas, below.
Yeah, I’ve heard that they’re sprinkles if they’re multi-colored, and jimmies if they’re chocolate, because it was slang for Jim Crow. And even if it’s not true, enough people around think it’s true, so I call them all sprinkles.
This is part of the original post. The cartoon and the rest of it are now on my chocolate blog. There was a sad obit in the LA Times this…
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“Chocolate happens, dear.”
you’ve got my full attention.
The Drawing
I’ve done cartoons on chocolate from the very beginning of my cartoon career, even before chocolate became acceptable and not shameful! So I had a nice little stash of them before I signed a contract for my book on chocolate, but once I added them up, it was only about 30 or 40. And I needed 120 cartoons for the book, which is a fat hardback! I always planned that the book wouldn’t be just candy – kind of dry – but would include any dessert that had chocolate as the main ingredient. Still, that meant a hell of a lot of new cartoons
This is one I did just for the book, but it turned out lovely. I like the simplicity of the solid black and white, with just enough detail to make it interesting. I love the little plants in the window to get the morning sun! And the cookbooks on the shelf behind her. Plus this was SO much fun, drawing little miniature versions of all these dark delicacies.
His expression is priceless! You know he really has no interest in the food, but he is tolerant, and realizes these will probably be at the dinner table for a while.
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