For Illustration Friday: swell. I assume that means they want a swell cartoon, so here’s a cartoon about murder, or at least carelessness. Originally published in Psychology Today. You can…
Tag: <span>tv</span>
Of course, I mean the remaining six on Bachelor Pad.
This was such a CHEAP, CHEAP show – get out of my life. The dates are so lame – I think they were all within 3 miles of the house or so. So boring to look at. And since it’s cheaper to film in daytime, the lame “contests” – as if spin the bottle was a contest in any way – and I hope they saved money on that one by using one of their own empty wine bottles – have the contestants all squinting, all ugly, in the hot sun.
Now, the people: I really liked Gia, even though she played the game so poorly. Wes seemed pretty sincere – I was one of the few who liked him in Jillian’s season. It was Fleiss who did a number on him.
I liked a lot of the women – Nikki, Ashley, and especially Krisily – she’s an outspoken girl of my own heart! That’s exactly how I would have played it, too, and lost! All gone now.
Peyton was the last girl I liked, and now she’s gone. I could call the remaining six names, but why bring myself down – they’re all undeserving of the win. I have to say, however, that even though Kiptyn fancies himself a good person, I DON’T THINK SO. Cannot stand fake Tenley, and David Good is the worst.
On a much more interesting note, I saw Vienna today!!! I hardly ever recognize anyone, and it’s not a spot where I would expect to see even a reality star: in Joann’s Fabrics, in Glendale!
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The Bachelor and Bachelorette forums on Television Without Pity (TWOP) should be fun. Right? The show is a ridiculous idea, dramatically staged, and at least recently, nice eye candy staged in various pretty countries. The mainly women audience in TWOP often talks about their own stories of durm and strang in the dating trenches. Real life on a forum about reality. Fun!
Or, it would be, if it wasn’t being constantly chided and squashed and slashed by the worst, most overcontrolling mod on TWoP, Barnes. What a witch, and I’m so tempted to use the b word.

Remember Monday nights? I wrote this in Season Three. Couldn’t get my mind off all the prisoners who died in Prison Break! (Did you know that one of my birds has a name that’s mentioned in PB? But I shan’t tell you which one!)
Prison Break was an outstanding show from Fox. But I think they underestimated the Bromance and the relationships and the cool sense of place, whether it was in prison or out, and overestimated the weird Company mystery part. Spoiler ahead: I think this Prison Break is running right now in Europe, so I don’t want to give too much away, but in the last season, even more special people die, not listed below. Too many people I loved died:??
If you haven’t seen Fox’s Glee yet, you must, especially if you like musicals. (Think Broadway, not like music in American Idol.) One of the ingredients that makes Glee different is how many minorities there are. I mean, almost everyone! Of course, most of the main characters are straight and white – so far as we know – but this is a very diverse cast. They’re all good actors, so it’s not a minority ghetto, and? LOST had a politically correct cast, too, and that worked out well.
HOWEVER. I come from a society that hates show-offs, in any color or form.? Kurt and Sandy are so over the top flamboyant. And yet…they are so charming and spot on, with great dialogue, that I love them (at times)! Kurt in particular is a strong actor (except with weak dialogue, which we’ll get to in a minute), and a great singer. Sandy rocks. And Sue sure acts butch, even though she gave the eye to Puck. She’s brilliant.
HOWEVER…What is with all the coming out? Kurt came out to his good friend last week, and this week to his father. Bo-ring. Stop with the politically correct lessons.

Kurt grudgingly admitting his neuroticism and sexual preference (ie, that he’s gay) TWO EPISODES IN A ROW!! So I wondered exactly how many of the writers are gay. Turns out the main producer, Ryan Murphy, is, and also turns out that he admits in articles that this is exactly how he came out to his own father. How very self-indulgent of him to take up 2 episodes with this character doing the EXACT SAME THING!
The women are better than the men this year! At least so far. Part of the fun is watching things change.
I didn’t like the opening pro dance at all. At first I blamed myself: am I too boy-crazy? Do I need men in each dance? :( But thinking more about it, I think the dance itself lacked a focus. I don’t know what it was trying to say, and I can’t remember one frame from it.
The LA Times this Sunday came wrapped in a full color plastic bag advertising DWTS! (It also had their Fall Season New Shows reviews, FINALLY, but that’s another story.) I’ll include? their description on the bag before my opinion!
Debi Mazar (the actress with attitude) had a great personality, and set up a nice dynamic with Maks. I do think Maks is a little sexist. But he can laugh at himself. She was good, not the best.
Joanna Krupa (the sexy supermodel) – very pretty, not that super. She and Derek are a great team though. I think they got the highest scores of the night, and I thought their salsa was the only sexy dance so far! The only part I didn’t like was at then end of the relay, when she screamed and flopped all over. Gloating is bad manners, Joanna.
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* I wrote this November of 2008, and just found my draft of it. I published it on Mayor Sam, and even convinced readers there to take it for a ride! Too late to see it now, of course – it was brutally murdered by ABC a few months ago- oh, and the incompetent and inconsistent writers, let’s not forget them. But my hopes were high when I wrote this, so let’s love the ones we’re with. Me, I think I’ll try the U.K version, which everyone claims is so much better, anyway.
Remember when you were little, and your parents got ready to go out to a glamourous party, and you suspected (rightly) that they were just excited to not think about you for a few hours? The smell of your mother’s good perfume was everywhere, and you hated the new babysitter because she was a nobody. So your parents learned to try to distract you with other fun things for the evening.
Photo of Jason O’Mara from TV Guide.
That has nothing at all to do with tonight, of course, but just in case you have decided to skip the Bloggers Party, and you think a bevy of bloggers sounds like it might be on somebody’s hit list anyway, you might want to check out?Life on Mars on ABC at 10 tonight.
I love this show so much I’ve watched each episode at least twice (this will be the 3rd episode.) Sam Tyler is a NYC policeman, and got hit by a car a few minutes into the first episode. He woke up a few minutes late in 1973. Still NYC, but different, in a warm glow, with less cars and more dirt. Not the Twin Towers, however; they are newly built, still gleaming in the sun.
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